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Die Cut Press Press

  • Hydraulic Eva sheet dia maty milina mpanao gazety
  • Ny hidradrà dia maty milina fanindriana

    Ny hidradrà dia maty milina fanindriana

    Mampiasa sy endri-javatra: 1. Ny milina dia mety amin'ny fandalovana feno na semi-tapaka amin'ny fitaovana vita amin'ny sombin-tsolika isan-karazany amin'ny alàlan'ny die die. Ohatra: ny plastika fonosana, ny packaging perla, fingotra, fanontana, fanontana ary indostria hafa. 2. Mifehy ny mikraoba, miaraka amin'ny asa tsotra sy marina ary marina. 3. Ny milina lehibe dia nanangana ny firafitry ny solomaso solika roa, ny fifandanjana roa-crank, ny tsanganana efatra mioritra, mba hiantohana ny halaliny mitovy amin'ny faritra manapaka rehetra. 4. Rehefa ...
  • Automatic 360 degreur mihodina amin'ny loham-pianakaviana manapaka an-doha

    Automatic 360 degreur mihodina amin'ny loham-pianakaviana manapaka an-doha

    Uses And Features: 1. The machine is applicable for large factories to use blade mould to do continuous and big quantity cutting for such non-metal materials as carpet, leather, rubber, fabric and so on. 2. PLC dia fitaovana ho an'ny rafitra conveyor. Servo motor drives materials to come in from one side of the machine; after being cut the materials are delivered from the other side for an accurate material conveying action and a smooth operation. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch s...
  • Akarin'ny hidradradradran'ny loham-pianakaviana Diver Cutting Press

    Akarin'ny hidradradradran'ny loham-pianakaviana Diver Cutting Press

    Uses And Features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fibre, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1. Adopting the structure of gantry framework, so the machine has high intensity and keep its shape. 2. The punch head can automatically move transversely, so visual field is perfect and the operation is safe. 3. Ny fiverenana amin'ny takelaka dia azo apetraka tsy an-kijanona mba hampihenana ny lalan-dra ary hanatsara ny eff ...
  • Hidradradradrana hidradradradra
  • Hidradradradrana hidradradradra

    Hidradradradrana hidradradradra

    Mety tsara ho an'ny hoditra tokana na vy, plastika, plastika, lamba, ny sponge, ny hoditra vita amin'ny hoditra, ny birao pvc, izay manapaka fitaovana tsy misy, izay mety amin'ny endrika miolakolaka; Indrindra fa ny fitsipiky ny fanapahana, ny mpanapaka kely, ny ampahany manokana amin'ny ampahany manokana dia mampihatra toy ny football, volleyball, tennis, disk. Performance Performance: 1. Cylinder roa, manamarina ny fandanjalanjana ny tsanganana misy rongony roa, dia manome antoka ny toerana iray tapaka ...
  • Mpampiasa an-tsary mandeha ho azy

    Mpampiasa an-tsary mandeha ho azy

    Uses And Features: 1. The machine is applicable for large factories to use blade mould to do continuous and big quantity cutting for such non-metal materials as carpet, leather, rubber, fabric and so on. 2. PLC dia fitaovana ho an'ny rafitra conveyor. Servo motor drives materials to come in from one side of the machine; after being cut the materials are delivered from the other side for an accurate material conveying action and a smooth operation. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch s...
  • Ny fiaramanidina hidradrano dia maty milina fanindriana

    Ny fiaramanidina hidradrano dia maty milina fanindriana

    Uses And Features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting nonmetal materials such as leather, plastic, rubber, canvas, nylon, cardboard and various synthetic materials. 1. Ny Axis lehibe indrindra dia namboarina ho an'ny rafitra kanto mandeha ho azy izay manome menaka hanomezana ny fotoam-panompoana. 2. Miasa amin'ny tanana roa, izay azo antoka sy azo itokisana. 3. The area of cutting pressure board is large to cut large-sized materials. 4. The depth of cutting power is set to be simple and accurate. 5. Th...
  • Milina fanontana an-tsokosoko hidradrano

    Milina fanontana an-tsokosoko hidradrano

    Qiangcheng full head beam die cutting presses use very large cutting dies, The maximum dies as big as the cutting surface. So Gerson full beam die cutting presses are widely used when high cutting power & when large or multiple shape dies are used. The following material soft and semi-rigid material can be used for die cutting : Leather: leathergoods ,shoe uppers, wallets, purses, belts,shoes, insoles, insole socks, uppers, straps Paper: stationery, novelties, filters, labels,Insulation ...
  • Machine Press Press, hydraulic

    Machine Press Press, hydraulic

    Fampiasana sy endri-javatra: Ny milina dia mety amin'ny fanapahana ireo fitaovana tsy ara-dalàna toy ny fivoriambe pallet, kilalao kely, haingon-trano, kojakoja kitapo vita amin'ny hoditra kely. 1. Ny fihodinan'ny sandry sandry dia mora mandefitra ary ny safidy sy ny fifidianana fitaovana dia mety. 2. Ny fantsona vy avo lenta dia raisina ary zahana amin'ny andry, izay tohanan'ny lavaka ambony sy ambany, hiantoka ny fihodinana sy fahatokisana tsara ny birao ambony. 3. Ny switch dia operat ...